The Olympic flame goes out in Beijing

Two weeks of exciting competitions are coming to an end at the Winter Olympics in Beijing. Our three teams from Germany, Austria and Switzerland were very successful and we can be very satisfied with the results. Even before the last day of competition, it is clear that Norway was the strongest team in China. Even the five sets of medals still to be awarded on Sunday will not change that.

If you want to experience the last competitions in Beijing, you have to stay up all night. The parallel competition of the alpinists, which has been postponed to Sunday, starts at 2:00 am. Afterwards, the women’s curling final is on the programme. Japan challenges Great Britain. The match won’t even be over yet, so the focus should be on the third run of the four-man bobsleigh at the Yanqing Sliding Centre. There, the last gold medal for Germany might be won.

After the fourth run of the large sleds, the decision in curling should also be made. At shortly after five, it continues with the grand final in men’s ice hockey. Finland will be looking to finally win their first ice hockey gold, but the Russians will also be looking to defend their 2018 title from Pyeongchang.

The final medal decision will then come in Zhangjiakou. The 30 kilometres in the women’s cross-country could be the crowning glory for Therese Johaug. That will be the end of the competitions. After that, there is only the figure skating exhibition before the 2022 Olympic Winter Games in Beijing come to an end with the extinguishing of the flame at the closing ceremony.

The most important decisions of the day

Curling – Women’s Final

from 2:05am CET – National Swimming Centre

Curling was always broadcast on the TV stations when there were no other important decisions to be made. Yet this sport is much more than just a stopgap. On Sunday, after the mixed doubles and the medal ceremony in the men’s singles, the final decision will be made. The final match in the women’s teams is on the programme.

From a German-speaking point of view, it is bitter that the outstanding team of the Round Robin missed this final. Switzerland was the best team, but was defeated by Japan in the semifinals. Now the Japanese women around skip Satsuki Fujisawa will fight for the gold medal. Their opponent will be the team from Great Britain.

This duel already took place in the preliminary round. In the round robin, the British women won clearly with 10:4. The last two ends did not even have to be played. It can be assumed that it will be a little closer in the final.

Bob – Men’s four-man bob

from 2:30am CET – Yanqing Sliding Centre

In the men’s two-man bobsleigh, there was the really big success of the German sleds. All three places on the podium went to Germany. It could be the same on Sunday in the four-man bobsleigh. Francesco Friedrich and Johannes Lochner are separated by only three hundredths at the top of the podium.

The fight for bronze is also picking up speed. The Canadian Justin Kripps has the best cards after the first two runs. However, there are at least three more sleds breathing down his neck. Among them is Christoph Hafer, who is 17 hundredths behind the bronze medallist at the halfway point. That is definitely still to be made up.

Also within Christoph Hafer’s range are Latvia’s Oskars Kibermanis and Brad Hall from Great Britain. These are the six bobsleighs who will decide the medals among themselves. We would tend to bet on Francesco Friedrich to win the Olympic gold medal again, although Johannes Lochner will give him a really hard time early on Sunday.

Women’s Cross-Country Skiing – 30 km Free Style

from 7:30am CET – Zhangjiakou Cross Country Centre

It is the very last decision to be completed at the Beijing Olympics. Over the 30 kilometres freestyle in the mass start Therese Johaug wants to celebrate her third Olympic victory after the gold medals in the skiathlon and the 10 kilometres in the classic style. The bookmakers offer only very low odds on the Norwegian’s next success.

However, there are certainly a number of women who also fancy their chances of being among the front runners. Above all, there are the two US-Americans Jessie Diggins and Rosie Brennan. Sweden’s Ebba Andersson must also be on the radar. Maybe Natalia Nepryaeva can be one of the front runners. However, it will be difficult to keep up with Therese Johaug over the long distance.

From a German-speaking point of view, one can hope for the next coup of Teresa Stadlober, who already stood on the podium in the skiathlon. It seems possible that the Austrian will also be among the front runners in the cross-country marathon. Perhaps Katharina Hennig, who is also stronger in the classic style, can leave Beijing with the next bang after winning gold in the team sprint.

Important Olympic hockey matches tonight

Men – Finland vs. Russia

5:10am CET – Final – Beijing National Indoor Stadium

It’s a worthy final in men’s ice hockey. The runners-up from Finland challenge the Olympic champions from Russia. The Finns are the only team to have won all their games at this tournament in Beijing. The bookmakers therefore have the Scandinavians as minimal favourites. Overall, however, this final should be open.

The Russians have also performed very well in China and have generally been very solid defensively. Therefore, many goals should not be expected in the match for gold, especially since both teams do not want to run into the open knife of their opponents. We can imagine that Finland will win the Olympic gold medal in ice hockey for the first time.

Team Germany to watch in Beijing

The last day can still be successful for the German athletes. In the men’s four-man bobsleigh, the gold medal should only be a formality. Who will win it, however, will only become clear in runs three and four. In the parallel race of the alpinists, everything has to fit together. This also applies to the women’s cross-country skiers, who have performed excellently up to now, but perhaps the 30 kilometres freestyle is not the discipline where we should expect anything more.

Team Austria to watch in Beijing 2022

As the top-seeded nation, the Austrians are hoping above all for the final alpine decision in Zhangjiakou. Team Austria has a bye in the round of 16. So the medals are already within reach. There will be nothing for Austria in the men’s bobsleigh, but maybe Teresa Stadlober can make it to the podium again in the women’s cross-country

Team Switzerland to watch at Olympia 2022

The Swiss can also hope for a gold medal on the last alpine day. The Swiss are the strongest nation in Yanqing and it would not be a sensation if they were to add another medal on Sunday. Further medals are not to be expected. Neither in the men’s four-man bobsleigh nor in the women’s cross-country skiing is there anything left in it for the Swiss.

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